Largest Christian Radio station in Southern California, The Fish covers AKP's Back 2 School Invitational

August 11, 2023

[Nolan] “Southern California it’s 95.9: The Fish. Hey, it's Nolan here. Have you ever had those occasions where you walk into a place that's completely new to you, you've never been there before, but you have this like flashback thinking, ‘Wow, this is so familiar’? That happened to me on Saturday at a back to school basketball invitational tournament and downtown LA put on by a wonderful group of caring people - part of a group called A KP Sports, a nonprofit foundation which promotes and fosters Asian American sports in the United States. And this weekend they were raising funds for back to school supplies for families that are struggling trying to get all the stuff together, right? Encouraging kids to be kids and play and have fun! But you know, as I was watching the game and it put me right back east where I grew up where I played CYO basketball every weekend with a bunch of friends - I just felt like I was right there. What great memories they brought back. If you want to find out more about this great Christian group, you can find them at”

95.9 - The Fish LA


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