AKP Sports foundation to promote korean american sports in the United states

Annapolis, MD (January 12, 2023) — AKP Sports Foundation (AKP Sports) is pleased to announce its formation as a 501(c) (3) non-profit foundation starting on January 13, 2023. Aligning with Korean American Day being celebrated on January 13th, The AKP Sports Foundation is proud to become the first Korean American amateur and professional sports foundation that will promote and foster Korean American sports in the United States. Amateur and Professional Korean American athletes, competition, events and more within the Korean American community will be supported. The Foundation also plans to raise charitable funds to support and grow Korean American sports in the United States.

AKP Sports President and CEO John Lee said, “We are proud to officially announce The AKP Sports Foundation. A first of its kind and a trailblazing foundation that will promote Asian American and Korean American athletic excellence; we look forward to building a greater Asian American community and celebrating Korean Americans in sports throughout the United States.”

The AKP Sports Foundation will look to build on the success of the 2022 Korean American Soccer Tournament held in New York/New Jersey in April and the inaugural season of the amateur AKP Basketball team. AKP Sports will look to engage with community, civic and religious organizations to achieve its mission. AKP Sports Foundation currently has ongoing sponsorship and partnerships with various corporations and benefactors and plans to expand on this financial initiative to support its causes. AKP Sports will soon be announcing their leadership team and a Board of Directors. More announcements and updates will be released soon.

Posted by: MI Asian

Original Article: https://miasian.com/the-akp-sports-foundation-to-promote-korean-american-sports-in-the-united-states/


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